NOON! I slept till noon. I haven't done that in years. What a relief. I feel mucho better today. The trick to sleeping till noon was moving to
Shoshana's house and away from
Stanely the cat. No offence Stanely. I love you, but yeesh. Ya gotta let me sleep.

The demo went great yesterday... except that I was so tired that I kept messing up. I had to apoligize to the crowd for my sleepy-state, but we all know who's fault it really is *cough* Stanely *cough*
Thanks to Holly for the photo! (I'll e-mail you when I get home Holly. My e-mails not working)

The crowd was fantastic (as usual) and can you find Carrie beaming in the front row?
Hi Carrie!! :) and I had some more stuff to give-a-way.

Then I met a bunch more people, signed some more books and ate some incredible desserts from
Sweets from the Earth and bought a fantastic belt from
Truth Belts. I had the best time... even though I got peanut butter on my sweater and popped a button.
Point of interest: I should never ever wear white...
Query: Why do I even bother wearing white. I always get it dirty.

Then we headed home... and I relaxed on the porch until it was time to go to
Left Feet for the booksigning/party. What a fantastic store ... have you been there yet? You should. All the shoes are Vegan and cruelty/sweatshop free and the store is so cute. I picked up a fantastic sexy pair of pumps that I'll show you later. Right now it's too hot to put anything on. It is m-u-g-g-y today. I'm all sweaty. Gross. Where's my ocean breeze... I think I'm starting to miss Victoria.

Anyway. I digress. So we hung out at
Left Feet and I got to visit with
old friends and new friends and I had a really nice time.

OH! BY THE WAY TORONTO PEOPLE. I'm sooooo sorry that the Veg Fair sold out of La Dolce Vegan, but
Left Feet has a bunch of advance copies. It doesn't officially hit the bookshelves until Nov, so head down to Left Feet and get your copy today!!

Then we headed over to
Fressen for drinks and some food and by the end of the night I felt drunk I was so tired.
Fressen is such a beautiful place... I wish I had more time in my schedule to go there and have dinner before I head back, but instead it will have to be at the top of my list for when I come back to town in Oct.
I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow and the next thing I knew it was 12 noon. Yeesh.
Hey, that's Herman Thrust in the shoestore, ain't it?
The position of the carrot in the shirt is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!! hahhahhahahahha
Vegan porn indeed!
Lookin' like a fun trip Sarah! =)
I am officially jealous: pulp kitchen, fressen, sweets from the earth. The insanity must stop. Sarah, when does your tour land back in Vancouver. I can't wait to get my hands on a signed copy of LDV!
I'll be in vancouver at the end of the month ... I think. I"ll be in touch with a mass mailing. Are you on the mailing list??
You got it Dave Noisy...I'll be sure to mentio to Herman you noticed my chest.
The weekend was exhausting but so wonderful as always.
Sarah, I've been working in my new LDV apron, I've already got beet stains adding colour. The hardest part from not wearing an apron to wearing one in the kitchen is trying to remember to wipe your hands on your stomach... not your butt.
It was great to see you. I hope you guys are enjoying the new book. :)
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