December 31, 2005

I was on TV

I was on TV and now you can see it!! My good friends at Frontline Films turned my A-channel appearance into a small downloadable file just for you. So right click and download THIS FILE to your desktop to watch.

Not sure if you know this... but I was in the FFilms movie Exhumed. I had a small but delicious part in the movie and you can see a snippet of me in the trailer which you can download HERE! I'm the babe in the turban. :)

It's a crazy fantastic movie and you can buy it from FFilms for only $5.00usd. It's worth it. Trust me.

Brian's new movie The Dead Inside gave me major nightmares... Soooo fun! I have always been scared of clowns... and now... terrified.


Anonymous said...

oooh those Cnl. Sanders' are scary!!

Sarah Kramer said...

My fav out of that collection is the salt and pepper shakers. :)

Danielle said...

Cute news segment. Best way to get people eating fewer animal products: show them how delicious vegan cooking can be.

Anonymous said...

It was so cool to see you animated!


ps: your hair is sooo pretty! I am starting to get salt in my pepper and I am psyched :) Most people look at me funny when I say that.

Anonymous said...

You Look Like Jane Wielden - especially in some of those pictures!!! :-)