November 02, 2006

Vote for me!

I've been nominated for a Libby award!

If you could take 2 seconds to go and vote for me for Best Vegan Meal I will bake you cookies in the nude at your house. Honestly. I will...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Me, too!

Anonymous said...


just send me some vegan cookies. all the thanks i need.

Karen said...

Just voted for you Sarah! Fingers crossed...ooooh I hope I win. Not that I want to see you nude, that would be a bit awkward (plus you might burn delicate bits...) but I do like cookies!

Eric said...

Done! So, when are you coming over? ;)

Wayne Davidson said...

I'll have the oven on and the cookie dough ready for next time you're in Australia!

Michelle said...

Done! But could we skip the nude part? My neighbours would have me kicked out for disturbing the peace :)

kinziephoto said...

absolutely! heheh

Carrie™ said...

Yea Sarah! I voted for you, absolutely! I haven't made the casserole, but if it's up for an award maybe I just better. If you win, you won't have to come bake cookies in the nude. Although, my husband might have some say in it. He thinks you're cute. :o)

Anonymous said...

done and done! done? done.

Carrie™ said...

Oh, and for vegan musician, I voted for Joan Jett. She is totally cool. If any of you out there haven't seen her lately, check out her new video. She looks fantastic!! What a great advert for a vegan diet. Well, Joan and Sarah. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hey,You got my vote. I wasted so much $ on other cookbooks before discovering the ones you wrote and co-wrote and yours are the only ones I swear by. I work in a bulk store with a good amount of new veggy traffic and I let everyone know that your books are a must.
Thanks for being there when I need help in the kitchen and home.

KleoPatra said...

Done! With pleasure. And no need to repay the "favor." Mitzvahs come in mysterious ways, Sarah!