Wendy and I were there for about an hour and saw 5 songs. There were no breaks in between the songs... Meatloaf songs are loooong. I think Paradise is 8 minutes 30 seconds.
Meat or Loaf or Mr. Meatloaf sang an unbearably long and pointless ballad about Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are and then suddenly left the stage. The house lights came up and the band was gone.
Is the show over? No no. Our seat neighbor informed us that it was intermission. INTERMISSION?? Who has an intermission at a rock show.
We left.
Oy, that was a funny post. Not sure whether you intended it to be or not, but i laughed good!!
You probably didn't miss anything. Everything I've heard about his tour this time 'round, its not good...
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