I bumped into my friend Tracy at the West Jet counter in Victoria. She's perfect for that job... so capable and smart. I love that girl.
Here we are in Vegas standing by The Go-Go's tour bus while we stalked them in Vegas.

So I realized this trip and my last trip to NY with Gerry that I have some rituals when I travel.
1. I never touch my face with my hands (I am convinced that it keeps me from getting sick).
2. I never touch the inside of my nose unless I'm using a kleenex. (again keeps me from getting sick).
3. I wash my hands every chance I get. Any chance I can pop into a bathroom and wash my hands, I do. I am Howard Hughes when I travel... I wash them and sing "The Alphabet Song" in my head. I don't rinse the soap song until that song is over... then I rinse. It's an old trick I used to do with my niece Heidi so that her hands were UBER clean. Kids are so dirty. She was convinced that soap didn't do anything so I explained that soap makes your hands clean and that water washes away the germs.
4. Rescue Remedy. I have a little bottle of RR that I spritz in my mouth before take-off and landing. Keeps me mellow. I also spray it before I go to bed.
5. In my carry-on bag I have wet-naps (to clean my hands before eating), Emergen-C, a couple of Echinacea tea bags, kleenex, stuff for upset tummies/diarrhea, heat therapy back patches (in case my back gets sore).
What do you always bring with you when you travel? What can't you live without?
I'd go crazy without a book and a few things to snack on. I also try to make some muffins for breakfast the next day in case my options are slim.
I always try to make some muffins for the next days breakfast in case my options are slim.
Oh Sarah... sorry about your delay, if I had any control I'd fly you out to TO myself :D Good idea keeping the germs away, I've learned something working at WJ... people still fly when they're sick. That picture ROCKS!! I remember that day so well... hmmm I see Vegas and the gogo's again in our future :) Tracy xo
Wow. You are good and clean! I always take snacks when i fly in case there's nothing for me to snack on... Usually some Primal Strips and some fruit and Triscuits...
Emergen-C! I swear by that stuff, absolutely. I suppose it helps that it tastes good, too.... Also rescue remedy. I remember my mom giving me that stuff as a kid. Does the trick.
I travel to Europe every year and always bring a small jar of peanut butter with me. We have hotel breakfasts that usually consist of cereal and whole milk (gag). I can always have toast with the pb for protein, and some fruit. I've though about bringing soy milk in the little juice box containers, not sure if I'd be ok with it warm though.
Other than that, I always carry a water bottle, granola or Lara bars, meds like you do, lip balm (a must with that nasty cabin air) and vitamins.
Can't travel without foamy earplugs, hand lotion, little Tupp containers of walnuts/almonds/dried fruit, small bottle of liquid hand sanitizer, a stainless steel folding spoon, individually wrapped teabags, Trader Joes peanut butter snack bars, apples, baggie of Clementine sections, faux deli slice sandwich on Rye, water.
as bad as this sounds coming from someone with a nut allergy please if you eat nut products on a plane be VERY sanitary and dont touch anything around you ....I could come and sit there next touch the seat and then we all would be stuck in the terminal waiting for the medics and nobody would get to go anywhere please just be careful....
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