August 23, 2007

Stupid summer cold...

At least my new beautiful handcrafted Vegan Mug from Vegan Dish arrived in time for me to drink echinacea tea out of.
I have also managed to NOT get a cold in my eyes like a normally do by rinsing out my nose a couple of times a day with a Neti Pot. So far... so good.

Back to the couch!


Anonymous said...

Neti pots are the coolest invention ever!!

Anonymous said...

I have a neti pot, but have been afraid to use it! I've seen them used, but it still makes me nervous every time I think of using it.
BTW, nice mug Sarah! :)

Anonymous said...

it's beautiful! i am scared of neti i will choke or drown.
i hope you feel better!
have you tried Airborne? i am not entirely sure if it is vegan.

E.K. said...

Is that an original Blue Velvet poster on your wall?

Anonymous said...

Where can you get this neti pot in Victoria BC? Perfect gift for my stuffed up brother!! (: