October 07, 2007


Had our first dinner party last night with our friends Rob, Wendy and Fergus's girfriend Suzi. I made a little something out of each book. The photos are blurry ... cause I took them in a hurry. I was HUNGRY!! *laugh*

Mmmm.... Salad with You Must Make This Dressing dressing from GOV.

Steamed green beans with Chive infused Earth Balance.Brussels Sprouts from LDV.
Shepherds Pie from HIAV.
Gravy from LDV.
The sprouts and beans were a little under cooked but I didn't say anything because my therapist wants me to stop apologizing when my food isn't perfect. *laugh* Sorry guys!!

We also had Apple Crisp from HIAV but we ate it before I had a chance to take a photo.

It was a lovely night of food, fun and watching the dogs wrestle. I love my life and am thankful for the people I have to share it with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love how you set your table