January 23, 2008

If I only had a brain...

My pal Laura Bruno has written an amazing book called If I Only Had A Brain Injury - A TBI Survivor and Life Coach’s Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine, or Other “Medical Mystery”

The book is a fantastic read about her journey as well as essays from other survivors... there's even a section in there written by moi about my struggles with CFS. Check it out and purchase a copy HERE.

1 comment:

ArianeK said...

I will totally have to keep an eye out for this... Sounds like just the right amount of tongue-in-cheek for a book about life with crazy chronic health problems.

My IBS has sort of branched out into a lot of fatigue/foggy head and crazy pain/funkiness in my neck/jaw/shoulders/back/hip (but especially my neck) over the last couple years.

I finally saw a rheumatologist a couple weeks ago, and he was kind of weird, but said that I have fibromyalgia (which is sort of what I've been concerned about). But like I said, he was kinda weird, so I'm going to go get a 2nd opinion before I go about 'accepting' it... Not really a diagnosis that changes anything, but still kind of like someone saying it's not just going to magically go away.

I often forget that you have CFS even though I've known for a while, since you mention it now and then. Would love to hear more about your experiences with it if you ever do feel like writing about it more.
