May 05, 2008

Busy doing nothing...

I've had a bit of a vacation from VAGG since I handed in my manuscript. I've been using the time to not do much of anything but just chillax and re-charge my batteries - basically lots of laying around and day dreaming.
But now as I sit down to write I realize I've been really busy. *laugh*

I had a lovely visit with my parents who were in town briefly. I also had a nice visit with Sarah and Adam from Tattoodles. We went to Mo:Le for dinner and it was YUM as usual! I went and saw my friend Anne Schaefer perform at Alix Goolden Hall (which is an fantastic space to hear music).
Gerry and I rented Lars and The Real Girl which I loved loved loved and not just because it had my "back up husband" Ryan Gossling in it. Well maybe....

I also received an AMAZING painting by my friend Maria who painted this painting based on a photograph I took in an art gallery in New York. I freaking love it!!
Yesterday Gerry and I cleaned all our windows and screens. This meant climbing on ladders wielding squeegees. Holy did it ever make a difference washing off all the winter sludge ... now our place feels brighter and lighter.

And last night we went and saw Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr. I quite enjoyed it.

I wonder what I'll do today... :)


Anonymous said...

OMG! I saw "Lars and the Real Girl" too this weekend. I loved it!!!! He is great in it. :)

Maria Rose said...

I am so glad the painting made it!

Autumn said...

um ... you better get in line there with that back up husband sista!

E.K. said...

I love that photo of your feet in the sand! In makes me happy.

Eve Love said...

did the window thing last week. amazing what a difference it can make...

Anonymous said...

We NEED to do the window thing too! I guess there's a lonnnng line for your back-up husband?! LOL
(standing & looking ahead and behind)

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend said I could have Ryan as my "starter husband" he's sweet like that.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was your back-up husband!?