May 12, 2008


I have a napping problem. Almost every day around "Oprah time" (4pm) I find myself falling asleep. I think I've had a nap almost every day this week. My step-mum Denise says that it's part of turning 40. *laugh*

Am I going to start eating my dinner at 3pm?? Will I start waking up with the birds? Eeek! Help me! I can not stop napping!!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm 42, I wake up with(or before) the birds, & Yup, I also get sleepy at around 3 or 4. I guess it's a fact of life my dear, why fight it! LOL

Anonymous said...

its okay... i nap all the time and im only 18!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a blood sugar dip to me! Are you having plenty of protein for lunch? Oatcakes and hoummus would mmake a great snack around 3pm.

Chris said...

HAHAHA! I do the same thing if I'm sitting on the couch at 5:30pm (during "World News Tonight"); this has been going on for years, and I'm not quite 40 yet!

The worst part is that I'm a horrible napper -- I always wake up all stupid and disoriented. And cranky.

Kramers said...

Listen.. it has been noted that napping daily is extremely good for you.
All should have the pleasure.
It re-energized and refuels your engine.

Keep napping.


Anonymous said...

Same. I'm 18 as well and I'm always napping. Boyfriend even jokes that I fall asleep on any cozy or flat surface I lay on. I think it's okay.

Carrie™ said...

Napping (and/or sleeping) is one of my favorite activities. I've always had wonky work schedules, and find myself sleeping at the weirdest times. I tend to get hit hardest around 2pm. Or I'll come home from work just before 4pm, lay down to cuddle Simon, fall asleep and wake up at 6:30. Is 2 and a half hours considered a nap?

Anonymous said...

i do that too, like around 4:30 or 5. But then i can't fall asleep at night! so i try to fight the nap.

Chasity said...

I am 22 and I nap all the time!!! Napping is good for u.. Why stay awake, feel groggy and zone into the TV when u can sleep? :)
It always hits me around 2pm though. Especially if I have had trouble sleeping the night before. If I don't get a nap I am completely use less :) ~*~Chasity~*~