May 21, 2008


So I don't know if you heard ... but Oprah is going vegan for 21 days.

I love Oprah. You don't understand. I LOVE OPRAH!! I've never missed a show. I know you think I'm exaggerating but since she first aired in Sept of 1986 I have been a rabid fan. 4pm is Oprah time. Everyone knows not to disturb me during my "Oprah time".

So yesterday when she started talking about her vegan cleanse and wondering about what she was going to eat, I was YELLING at the television that she needs me and my books.

So today I am using the power of The Secret (Oprah told me about it) to visualize myself on her show. It has happen. No wait. Let me visualize it. It WILL HAPPEN!!

Here's where you come in my loyal readers. Let's get the e-mails flying and get me on Oprah. Not only can this be a wonderful opportunity for me to show Oprah that vegan food is fun, easy and delicious but an opportunity to reach MILLIONS of people who are unfamiliar with how amazing vegan food can be!

If you could take a few minutes to write to Oprah about me and the books and how the books have impacted your life ... perhaps that will be the little push it will take to make my visualizations a reality. Please tell your friends, ask your neighbors. Let's make this happen!!


Anonymous said...

Consider it done, doll!


Saar said...

I LOVE Oprah too.
Let's go together!

Anonymous said...

I just sent a message off to Big O. Good luck! :)

Picks Over Peas said...

I have followed Oprah now and again over the years but became a huge fan after watching her recent classes with Eckhart Tolle. When I became vegan over two years ago, How it all Vegan is what kept me going. I'm writing her right now :-)

Anonymous said...

oh sarah! i am a huge fan of yours, oprah and the secret(it's worked for me in so many ways), LOVE that you photoshopped yourself into the scene--you took the idea of a vision board to a whole new level! good work--i believe this will happen for you and can't wait to tivo the episode!
love and peace,
krista in austin

Anonymous said...

It is done!

Anonymous said...

This is so funny because I was just promoting your books on her message board because there was, like, nothing in the vegetarian recipe section. :) I just sent her an email! Really hope you get on the show!

E.K. said...

You should dress in an Oprah-style power suit if you go on the show!

Peace, Love and Veganism said...

You've got to be kidding me! I freaked when I saw this post.... did you know (ok, there's no way you would know) that I wrote to her about a month ago, telling her all about veganism, and about how she should do a show on it? I even told her to have YOU (and some other good vegan authors) on the show, too! Maybe when she's done the 21 days, she'll have a big show and invite you all! Woohoo!!

scarlett.beautiliciousblog said...


southernish said...

Done and done! I hope Oprah listens! I also hope she comes away from her "cleanse" a changed person and sticks with it! Her audience is huge...think of all the people who will potentially be influenced by this! So awesome!

tiredsimone said...

Already wrote 2 emails! Good luck! I am afraid she might invite the Skinny Bitch Girls though! They are so popular right now...

Anonymous said...

Done deal purdy lady. How freaking cool if you were to be on her show?!

Anonymous said...

Just sent my email!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Woo! I just wrote in.

That would be righteous, no other word for it!

Anonymous said...

Done and done. :)

Unknown said...

done and done! good words were sent, and we all know it's going to happen!

Carrie™ said...

First of all, I love the shot of you on Oprah's couch & Fergus on the cover of O.
I've sent an e-mail off, so hopefully (fingers crossed!) I'm sure you'll let us know if you're going to be on. I'll set up my TiVo for sure!

Woz said...

Totally just did this for you! :) I love your use of the law of attraction. This WILL happen!!

Judy said...

Oooooh fun, I am totally on board for this!

krissy said...

forgot to let you know...i also sent an email last week. good luck! hope it happens...