What a wonderful day ... Gerry and I hopped in the car and drove up-island to Parksville to visit with
Shoshana, Maury and their son Henry who are on the island visiting family.

Along the way we saw really big trees... can you see how small I am??

And wildlife ... some alive ... some dead. :(

And we stopped by the complex Gerry used to live in when he was in Grade 1.

And we stopped by the 1 room school he went to.

Then we hit Parksville to hang out with the cutest baby in the world HENRY!!

We slathered ourselves in sunblock and hung out at the beach...

Gerry is handsome...

Mo and Hank playing in the wind.

Gerry looming...

Cuddling with Mummy is the best ...

I think this was the best day off I've had ... ever.
How cute is that Henry...oh my goodness.....
What a beautiful day!
The old one room schoolhouses were the best. I went to one further up island in Winter Harbour.
The best day ever? That's pretty good!
Wonderful photos as always Sarah. And lovely Henry! My own Henry (cat) died yesterday and I am devastated - give Fergus a kiss from me. Our pets are so precious. Janey x
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