I had THE WORST period cramps ever. I thought I could ride them out but was in so much pain that I threw up and went into shock. By the time I got to the hospital the worst of it was over but the ambulance guys thought I should go "just in case".
I knew I was ok when they handed me this take-out cardboard French Fry container to puke into and I started laughing. Who can puke into that? Does this tiny dish really work? Thank goodness I never had to find out. The doctor told me I passed a blood clot and that's why I was in so much pain. Let's hope that doesn't happen again.
I'm sad I have to dial The Puke button back to zero. :(
I'm glad you're feeling better!!
I work in the hospital and those "buckets" do not work. We usually keep pretzels in them...
I have had those kinda cramps before... ahhhh being a girl :) Im glad your feeling better too.
Wow! That's some bad cramps. I used to be out of commission for a day or two, but never ended up in the hospital. Glad you're out of danger and feeling better.
Wow! That sounds very painful. Happy to hear you're feeling better.
oh no! i hope you are feeling better today.
also, they have 911 in canada too? that's so cool!
Glad everything is ok and that you're home!!! Hope that never happens again!!!!!!!! Take care :)
-Sandra aka gypwytch
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now: that experience sounds really scary. I've never had cramps anywhere near that severe (or severe at all, really), but I did have a couple of periods that were so heavy that if they caught me off-guard, by the time I could get home and get my clothes off to change, my trousers would leave little puddles of blood on the floor. Not nice. It turned out that I have polycystic ovaries. Hurrah.
And I thought I was the only one nerdy enough to be proud of my long no-puking record! :) I've got a little more than a year to get to to make my 20 years!!
Leigh - 911 was first implemented here in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Oh no, how awful, poor you, I'm glad you are feeling better now x
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