September 15, 2008


... you are too kind. Thank you.

Greetings from the corn state! I am currently in my second week of being vegan. The first few days I ate a lot of salads and found some recipes that didn't take too much time to prepare. Then a few days ago I discovered La Dolce Vegan and since then I have managed to create some major bends in the binding, warped the pages, and cover it with a fine coat of flour. I can't stop cooking now! Your book is so wonderful I have yet to close it! You have helped make this transition in my life easy and delicious! Thank you!


Maria Rose said...

Oh yeah! I remember that feeling. I like to write notes in the margins of my cookbooks (date, who I ate with, thoughts, etc.) and your cookbooks are full of good notes!

ANGELA said...

When I went vegan 3 years ago, I felt the same exact way about your cookbooks. They helped make my transition easy. Thanks Sarah!!!