April 29, 2009

Haircuts and wallpaper...

Fergus is SO much happier now that he's had his winter coat shaved off ... poor guy was really sweltering through this warm spring we're having. My favourite part about "1st day haircuts" is that he sleeps under the covers with me to stay warm. :)

I decided to tackle our bedroom today ... I haven't done ANYTHING to it since we moved in almost 2 years ago. I just threw up pictures that didn't have a home elsewhere in the house and that's about it. Haven't done anything ...
... mostly because the room is WALL to WALL wallpaper. It's a benign beige (faux grass) wallpaper so it's not like it was horrible to look at and I will admit I've been really avoiding removing it.

But I have been daydreaming about what I want to do in there and there is no time like the present!! After about 3 hours I tore down the first layer ... wasn't so bad.
Tomorrow I tackle the undercoat... under-paper? Under-sheet? The underpart? Wish me luck.


Nancy Gonzalez said...

aww!! fergus is looking good.

good luck with the under paper stuff! haha!

Anonymous said...

The lining paper ;)