So we may not have a kitchen sink to install ... but that doesn't stop
Gerry from getting all reno crazy. This weekend we (and by we I mean he) took down those horrific fluorescent lights...
The horror....

The not so horror...

He added some sexy under the counter lights...

And also installed some globe lights...

Yes yes!! There is still some ceiling drywall we need to address but we ran out of time so we'll have to tackle that once he's back from Vancouver.
The lighting in my kitchen has changed my attitude about it 10000%. It's no longer like standing in a supermarket or highschool cafeteria. It's actually nice feeling... Now if only MY F***ING SINK WOULD SHOW UP!! I've been on hold with Ikea for 40 minutes... when are they going to answer the phone?? Grrrrrrrrrrr......
1 comment:
whenever I think Ikea - I think - Fight Club & the living catalogue of sameness - good riddance I say - so sorry it happened like that but my oh my how nice to have a handy man (when he knocked I thought he was the Candy Man...don't get hung up on the way I look, don't judge a book by its cooooooover)...ooh wait - sorry, sorry got all lost in a Rocky Horror moment
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